sustained 9-10 years of destructive criminal harassment
1. Buggiing of houses, electronic communication since 2001 or earlier
spread over houses 15558/sec 37, 413/sec 29, London house (2001-2002),
present house in 29.even toilets not spared. Shoe bugs used. This may
be key- use of RFID type nano grains given through food items which
makes tracking possible-so was London Posting as ruse for carrying on
testing of rare technology?
2. Years of Sustained electronic monitoring precedes the use &
appearance of Khares/Pillays- they were used after various
favours/bribes/manipulations- to sustain continued monitoring based
harassment- eg-breaking down support networks over years, destroying
sources of income/financial support over last 9 yrs, sickening
obsessive ness in private life, trying to plant people in my life with
questionable motives, food adulteration starting at least n London to
damage career, unverified but likely forging/manipulations of
documents/transactions/communications in my name, initiating court
cases, finally cruel planned murder of my paralyzed father in hospital
( after poisoning/food contamination) in Jan 2010 in which DFID
bucrats M Lowock ,others have direct/indirect role. Certainly ex UK
PM brown is also responsible in major way- he did not take action
after repeated emails/faxes which were also sent to DFID Sec, PS, many
MPs across Parliament starting July 2009
3. Top bucrats involved Sudha Pillay, kin Dr RS Khare, Ram Khare of
telecordia, FSec A Chawla, Atul Khare UN and kins have aornd this time
benfotted with posts at UN,EC, World Bank, DFID. Kins have UK links by
marriage. This combination has allowed it to use a powerfully
connected crooked corrupt clan of Pillays,Chawla, Khares to be
exploited, bribed and used. Wide netowork of bribed bureaucrats &
politicians identified. One ex Min sacked in 2009, kin of
Pillays/Khares is proof and continues to be active.many Minsters
influence have been used and 3/4 of them for pops murder in hospital
4. No investigations have been allowed- since that would hit at the
lies fabricated by DFID-UK on the head. Lies based on its powerful
influence, use of cheap labour cheap device and cheaper tricks
5. That Nick Clegg especially and Osbourne have used influence in US
primarily with TSec Geithner to protect the mostly US based Khares-
the "brokers", the Medium for carrying out Brit Instructions to Indian
based Pillays- shows stake of British.
6. Do not rule of role of MI-6. or some of your DFID people are from
MI-6. Since ex army people in India have been used and bucrats
involved have carried on illegal surveillance with such dedication on
24x7 basis for years that I doubt they have looked after their
children or GoI given duties with such dedication. Nature of
technologies and 9 years of obsessive ness surveillance indicates
great stake.
7. People involved can repeat the actions and UK Gov-DFID will be
responsible for not taking action. after all these people are your
puppets dancing to Brit tunes- set up by Mark Lowcock/John Burton etc
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